Everyone has their own choice, to move away from an organization that is unfavorable in their culture, it may be necessary to succeed or feel good. To move, it takes a strong courage and at best, the organization begins to make self-reflections. Of course you have your own responsibility for how you lead yourself in challenges, but sometimes it clashes, then we have to make a choice …
How do you lead yourself?
Unfortunately, we still live in a world where it is ugly or strange to think about oneself, to give oneself time, to be heard and seen, to be open and honest. To feel good, we must give ourselves time and nourishment for different things.
To paint, to train, to plan opportunities that are unplanned create space for creative rest.
To ignore everyone “must party” with the family.
That it’s okay to have few close friends, or none at all, your partner may be your best friend.
Ignore the neighbor who stares askance because you can not drive to the “tip” with the debris that is visible. Probably the neighbor has more rubbish and shit than you, it just does not show …
The inside is more important than the outside
Eat when you feel like it and eat what your body wants.
Always listen to your body and especially your heart, if you do this the signals / guidance will be clearer and clearer. It is simply impossible not to follow.
Success is born of dealing with fears, ingrained patterns and trusting oneself.
Honesty wins in the long run, take no shit!
Meditate and give yourself moments in the here and now, take back your power over yourself.
Spend time with nature and animals.
Why do you do what you do? Do you want that? For whom are you doing it?
Try to look at yourself from a helicopter perspective, does it look good? and does it feel good? What culture do you live in and what signals does both the culture and the organization send out to you?
Is your mission in your workplace or in life clear?
Do you know what is expected of you?
A job is “just” a job, everyone can choose, we are not slaves under an employer. You have three choices:
Who are you listening to?
Is everything that comes from our media truths? or they want to control us.
Remember that you always know best yourself deep down if you dare to listen fully ….
Hug & live well