We are born creative and are created to be creative, it is natural in all of us from the beginning. Even as a child, you are shaped by your surroundings, environment and influenced by everything around you. It is possible that we will be deprived of our creativity, but we also have the opportunity to hold on to it and capture it back, or perhaps to bring it back to life.
What is creativity?
Creativity is about the ability to see different connections and find new readings. Creativity creates something new and unique, something that has not existed before. Creativity is often an unpredictable event, as in watercolor, it happens by itself. A creative state is often described as being in a flow.
Painting is an attitude or being in a state and daring to let go and allow what is happening, not to have full control. Then we can all have different talents or aptitudes for things, then it is easier to develop and not give up.
Who is creative?
There are, of course, certain biological factors that underlie human creativity, but to a large extent personal experiences contribute to the development of creative ability.
As a child, I drew and painted evenly, my family often had to give their voice on which face they liked best. I often drew faces and various beauty contests. When my family voted on which drawing was the most beautiful, I received confirmation and continued more and more, which helped me develop my creativity. In school, of course, picture was my favorite subject and it was also the subject that the teacher gave me confirmation of, which made me feel that I was actually good at this. Since my teens and on as a young adult, I do not know what happened to my creativity, the desire was to work as Art Director and graphic design etc. Art was probably never something I thought of as a job, you should have a “real” job and support yourself. As a result, I ended up in childcare, trained as a babysitter, leisure educator, special educator and now today I work as a principal for preschool. Which in itself is a varied and creative profession but in a different way than in the world of art.
Our environment is important for creativity. If we live in an environment that says “you should do what you are told” or “what you do is not good enough” then we finally stop daring to think new and change.
Everyone can be creative, if we are given the opportunity to practice it.
Painting is about daring to let go and allow what comes …. then we have different talents to take care of it. There is nothing right or wrong, everything is just new impulses that in turn can lead to new solutions.
Try to disconnect the brain and use the heart more, the heart is the core of desire and security.